martes, 18 de julio de 2017

Best Ladies Tango Technique class in Australia is back!

Hello Ladies, we are glad to present 4 sessions -22 & 29 July, 5 & 12 August in 2017.

Please bring flat shoes or socks as well as your Tango shoes

We will work on fundamental posture, balance and alignment of body, understanding how we can create beautiful lines while staying grounded and relaxed.
We will also work on some musical ideas and clean footwork in each session.

1pm-2pm at Robles 1 (upstairs of the Intersection Cafe, cnr of Lygon & Elgin Streets)

22 Julio 
Foundations I: Learning how to transfer weight. Heels and knee suspension, posture and key points strengthening

29 Julio 
Foundations II: Posture, walk technique musicality   

5 Agosto 
Pivoting and axis exercises. Ochos and change of directions 

12 Agosto 
Giros workout and different timing on giros.    

Possibly a fifth class will be scheduled on the 19th August which will be focused on applying the learned techniques to implement embellishments and interpretation. 

Looking forward to seeing you all :) 

Rina and Marce

We are looking forward to seeing you :)

Rina and Marce

miércoles, 22 de abril de 2015

TERM 2: Lapices and Enrosques

Hello dear friends!

After a fantastic and refreshing trip to Buenos Aires we are very happy to teach and share our best tips for giros, lapices and erosques

Prepare your shoes for the coming workout! 

9th, 16th, 23th and 30th 2015
Thursdays 8 to 9 pm

Next Level Studios
325 Victoria Street, Brunswick 3056


*Intermediate class
*Partners are recommended but not mandatory.
*Prerequisite: Dancers must have previous dancing experience
*Comfortable clothing and soft-soled shoes are recommended.
*$15 AU per person

lunes, 26 de enero de 2015

Tango Salon Classes with Hernan and Marce



Click the PDF link for 2015 Program:

domingo, 18 de enero de 2015

Milonga de mis amores. Melbourne Australia Feb 15th 2015

We would like to cordially invite you to Milonga de mis amores. 
The theme is Valentine's day.

Special performance by Hernan & Marce, Nadim & Rina.
DJ Leonel

Entry $20 
Nibbles and BYO

We would also like to announce that this year we will be jointly hosting a Sunday evening Milonga on the 4th Sunday of every second month. Please see dates as below and mark the date on your calendar!

April 26
August 23
October 25

viernes, 16 de enero de 2015

Ladies' & Men's Tango Technique Workshops

Men's Technique Workshop directed by Hernan Dario Hernandez & Nadim Sawaya

Ladies' Technique Workshop directed by Marce Ospina & Rina Sawaya

Saturdays 10 & 17 January 2015

Time: 3 -4:30pm
$25 (guided practica included)
Special technique workshops over two Saturdays!!
After the two workshops, there will be a joint practica where the two groups will come together to be guided by the two couples.

Men's technique - As leaders, we have the responsibility of connecting with our partners, the music and also the other dancers on the floor. To achieve these challenging tasks, we must be able to control out bodies and be aware of our balance and axis. In this set of workshops, Hernan and Nadim will work with you through various exercises and analyse the finer points. You will also be given exercises to take home and incorporate as part of your tango training.
Ladies' technique - Followers will work on creating a strong core and understanding of the supporting leg and free leg. This will, in turn help footwork to be clean and precise as we want to execute embellishments with ease and clear musicality. We will also work on basic followers technique such back ochos and backward walking that will help you to execute more complex movements and be able to follow smoothly and with excellent body control.

Both, men and ladies technique workshops will be a great opportunity for all of us to concentrate on our body awareness, identify and correct our weaknesses and improve our musical interpretation.
Come along and join this great tango training!!!!
PS: Ladies please wear leggings to be able to work on your lines.